Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Week 11 - Toledo and Daveshit

Ok - so this week started with a whimper and went out with a B-A-N-G, daveshit-style. Yes, don't worry (especially if you are here from FB) - I shall get to 'daveshit'. Give me a minute.

First of all, my training for now 2 weeks in a row have been less than stellar, as this week AGAIN I only ran 2x (instead of the 4x I am supposed to be doing, so says my training book - but WHO CARES - this is week 11 and I haven't followed my training schedule ONCE. EFF IT). But I haven't skipped one long run so that is the most important thing. This week - a 9-er in Toh-leeeeeeeeeeeeee-d'OH! Thank god I don't have to run it alone!!! Because Poplaski and I drove 3 hr so I could run it with K8 - who is training for the FULL DAMN THING here in GR. Now, one thing you have to understand about K8 - she's FUCKING CRAZY. Hard core to the max. This is the chick that got me hooked on mountain biking - she is killer at it (no exaggeration). And to fill her time she's decided, eh, what the hell, train for a marathon...no biggie. Yeah. crazy. crazy good though. She might kill me, but for more insight into the craziness of K8, go here:


Feeling me now? I bet you are.


Monday - OFF. again. love starting the week off. but I had a haircut (desperately needed) after work, and there was just no time to run. Meh. I'm over it.

Tuesday - interval training day. no fartlek, but I decided to run a 5k (re: 3.1 mi) as hard as I could to see how fast I could do it. The result: 27:45. About a minute faster than the last 5k I ran (back in March). Not bad you say? Well, sure. Except if felt like SHIT the entire time. good stuff (sarcasm people!).

Wed - cross train - yep, mountain biking with Leanne. All 8 mi at the game area. And the bestest part? I conquered the things I didn't/couldn't do last week (see Week 10 entry for a reminder). The rooty hill on 3? Crushed it. The big drop into a hard right into a bridge with no side rails over a creek? DID IT (except I screamed like a little girl the whole way down and over - Leanne thought I went into the creek - too funny!). Yee-fucking-haw.

Thurs - off

Fri - off, only cuz I know what's in store for me Sat

Sat - pick up a still-drunk Poplaski (who had her 20yr hs reunion the night before - ouch!) at 10am and head out to To-leeeee-d'OH! Run 9 miles at sub-10min/mi pace, which is awesome and bad all at the same time: awesome in that we ran so much at such a great clip; bad in that we are SUPPOSED to run it around 2-3 min/mi SLOWER than our normal clip, meaning we should run it around 11-12min/mi pace. Well, I for one canNOT run that slow, sorry, and besides, all I can think about is FINISHING - makes me run faster than I ought to. so be it. the run itself felt great and the trail we ran on ROCKED!! Barely any pavement - mostly thru meadows, on trails, in the woods (the deer made for nice distractions). yep, I could get used to that. too bad it is 3 hr away from GR.

and props to Poplaski who rebounded and was our water wench on a bike. except for constantly yelling at us about our pace (she had a mi/hr monitor on the bike and we told her we wanted to be around 6 [re: 10 min/mi]). girlfriend, you can be my trainer anyday.

so, daveshit. yeah, life is full of daveshit. if you perused K8's blog you now know all about daveshit. so I don't necessarily want to re-explain it (meaning: skip to the end if you already know about daveshit; if not, continue reading). K8 has a cousin, you guessed it, named DAVE. apparently he's crazy (gee, must run in the family). apparently he took off without telling anyone to live beneath aztec ruins for 6 months, and while everyone thought he was dead - he, ask K8 put it, "was doing peyote, just hanging out...you know...doing dave shit."

and there you have it. "daveshit" was born. why poplaski and I thought it was so funny I'll never know. but after that moment, EVERYTHING was daveshit. and I swore to her that when we woke up in the morning it wouldn't be funny anymore.

WRONG. it is still funny. I don't know why. DEAL WITH IT. it's all daveshit anyway


Sun - drive home. RE: OFF

final tally: 3 + 9 mi running + 8 mi biking = YES - 20 MILES TOTAL. pretty damn good. luckily, next week or 2 are drop off weeks for the long runs, while making the shorter runs a tad longer. Then it's the 10 miler bridge run. then 4 weeks to go. HOLY CRAP - where is the time going???? and me with all this daveshit to do.

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