Wednesday, July 21, 2010

If I lose a nail it's APop's fault

ok, so my bad for starting this late. if the training schedule is 20 weeks long, I am already thru week 6. not that I haven't had much to report, but I just don't have time to do it. here's an effort to get back at it, considering both APop and K8 are blogging on their sites.

to catch up: I've been running pretty much full-on since mid April. since April 13 I have logged almost 150 mi, not counting this week's runs. for 14 weeks of training, already. you do the math (don't worry I already did - it amounts to about 11 miles a week).

yep, way ahead of where I was last year. fo' sho'. and mostly I have Team DaveShit to thank for it. That would be APop and K8. Plus, the first 2 months of running was a group effort - Jenny K, Lean, and APop - all running together at lunchtime along the river and such. Made such a diff. Then schedules got busy, the weather got jacked with heat and humidity, and I've pretty much been running solo for June and July. With a couple of runs thrown in for fun with APop. Intervals at the GRCC track at lunchtime, and a killer 8 miler on Kent Trails last Sat (a PR for her - BOO YAH!).

so now, in the thick of it. 14 weeks to go until the half on Mac I. gonna be a group effort this year. APop and the T-man (dude, you'd better get your ass on the road once or twice before Oct or you are in for a world of trouble), Lean and Matt (who I don't think has really committed to doing this yet, but considering Lean already booked the room at Mission Point, I guess he's shit outta luck), Jenny and Jeff K (back trouble? what back trouble?), me, and yep, my dad, who ran the GR half with me last year, and shall reprise his role as my running partner yet again for this half too.

as for training, wtf is with this weather. humidity is not my friend. it is trying to kill me. I've never sweated this much while running IN MY LIFE. and I do have a knack for sweating when running. this is taking it to a whole notha level. I'm even grossing myself out. rigoddamndiculous. one of these days I'm going to remember to weight myself before and after one of these humid runs. I bet I sweat off 5 lbs easy. how in the world is that possible?

did a hill workout today. w. t. f. daveshit. and on top of it all, the second toe on my left foot hurts. lots. I think it was all that toenail shit APop kept spewing the last 2 days - made me mental. now my toe hurts. if I lose the nail, I'm blaming her. totally.

on with the countdown. so far this week, besides the hill workout today I ran 3 mi as hard as I could without dying or feeling like I couldn't finish 3 mi. 26 min and change. not bad, but man, I really felt like I was moving, you know? and didn't even hold an 8:30 pace. how disappointing.

I need to get a grip.


  1. Yay, it's all my fault your toenail is falling off. That's right blame me please, I love it.

  2. Good to read your blog again.
    Geez, the weather here in Flagstaff is great for running. Did 8 miles easy except as they say in the Tour de France, I 'cracked' at 7.5 miles. Walked a tenth of a mile then finished up. Altitude problems. 9 or 10 miler tomorrow early AM. Have fun (It is supposed to be fun-right?) Dad.
