Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Week 14 - Florida agenda intervenes

Florida. The Sunshine State. Hot. Humid. 5 inches of rain in 2 days.

Need I say more?

This week is being chalked up to my MASSIVE THROW-AWAY WEEK. Considering the fam was traveling to Florida for my Zayde's 95th birthday party. Ridiculous thunderstorming torrential rain all day on Saturday. Add in a marathon car ride across the state to visit with Mama Ruth and Papa Oscar on Sunday and there you have it.

But you know what? My legs are probably thanking me. And except for cursing the rain Saturday morning, my time was much better spent visitng with family than running in the oppressive humidity. So while I am kinda FREAKING OUT about missing my long run this week, I'm over it. Let's move on.

The recap (while I grit my teeth):

Monday - rode Game Area with Leanne - last time for this trail for the season as it will be closed for hunting upon my return from FL. This ride SUCKED ASS. BIG TIME. I don't know what my problem was, but I got a horrible cramp right under my ribcage on my right side pretty much at the start, and it never went away. every bump hurt. I bit it on both uphills on 2. No mental focus. Decided to bail and not do the last 2 parts. SUCKED!!!! Pissed off since I can't ride this trail again til spring. Wanted to try to get another ride in this week, but it just didn't happen. Oh well. Now it's on to the Ski Area - which I have never ridden. Apparently it'll be right up my alley - lots of cardio uphills but not too much more technically challenging than the Game Area. We shall see...

Tues - off

Wed - was planning to do 4 mi or so. until the Maxer decided to go with. first he wanted to run with me - so we ran up and down our street (about 1/2 mi) - call it my warm up. Then he decided he'd run enough, so he rode his bike down to 32nd Ave and back while I did a mini-fartlek (about 3 mi total). Plus I had to push him up the gentle hills to boot. Took about 45 min total - but it was a workout for me. And kudos to the tornado for biking like a champ.

I can't wait until he's old enough to go on trails with me. We are going to TEAR - IT - UP!

Thurs - travel day - re: off.

Fri - a day to relax - re: off. spent the beautiful FL day in the sun - swimming with Max and just chilling out. Besides, I was planning to do 8 mi on Sat. So NO PROBLEM!

Sat - rain. lots off rain. started at 3am and didn't stop. ALL DAY. Torrential rain. thunder. lightning. K8 - I AM NOT A WUSS. you wouldn't have gone out in this either. so no long run today. the beginnings of FREAKING OUT...trying to stay calm.

Sun - left early with the fam to head to Palm Beach to see Mama Ruth and Papa Oscar. 4 hr each way. The kids did great, considering. And, what a great visit. Totally worth the drive. On the flip side - no running. Left too early to get a run in, got home at dark. HOLY SHIT. Week 14 - and I am missing a long run. Is this bad?? It feels bad. Real bad. Like I didn't do my homework. The dog...she ate it! I swear! Is this gonna screw me up? I dunno. I'd like to believe it is good for my legs to take a break. Does that sound good to you???

it gives me a headache thinking about it. Oh, hello denial! So nice to see you!

Meanwhile, I can't even bring myself to tally this week up. So I'm not gonna. You can do the math. And you don't even need a calculator.

next week is the 10 mile Bridge Run. and I missed my long run this week. and only ran once.


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