Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Week 16 - Can we stop with the cross training?

Yes, it's official. NO MORE mountain biking for this chick. At least, no more until after October 18. OK people? You (and YOU know who YOU are) can stop telling me to stop. Done. Kaput. Against my poor judgement, I have decided it isn't worth getting hurt worse than I already am.

And yes, you've guessed it, I went out biking this week and AGAIN hurt myself. so, ok. no more.

totally sucks.

The week goes such as this:

Monday - off

Tuesday - ran 2 mi in the FREAKING rain. 2 and only 2. it was lightly misting when I walked out my front door. just barely raining as I got to the main road. Unholy DOWNPOUR as I turned down the main road and headed away from the development. Now, I can run in the rain. I HAVE run in the rain (10K Riverbank Run anyone??). But this rain, now this was something else. I couldn't SEE. The rain poured down my face. My contacts kept swishing around in my eyes.

I literally COULD. NOT. SEE.

I stopped and turned around after about 5 min of this BULLSHIT. And then, only then, did the rain mysteriously and abruptly STOP. Just like that. Like Mother Nature was fucking laughing at me.


I eeked out another mile and a half but my legs were tight and I was soaked to the bone. Eff it.

Wed - mountain biking. SKI AREA. first time EVAH for me and Leanne. Ramp up the technical difficulty. Yeah, I'd say so. Tight twisty turns, especially the downhill ones - NFG. My major difficulty. I think I'm too timid on that shit, so I brake and topple over. This time - I did it on one of those downhill turns that was thick with sand. I bit it. HARD. full force into my left shoulder. DOWN AND OUT. Leanne now knows that when I yell/shout/curse - I'm ok. I made NOT A SOUND on this fall. Nor did I speak when she reached me and asked if I was ok. Uh oh.

Eventually I made it up to my feet. My arm? I swear I thought it was broken. Had to walk out. Could barely grip the handlebars let alone ride the bike out. we chilled at the cars for a half hour or so until I felt like I could drive home. Put a call in to my dad (the orthopod) who informed me if it wasn't swollen (it wasn't) or tender to the touch (nope), then it probably wasn't broken.

yada, yada, yada, my arm wasn't broken but pretty badly bruised. ice and advil. my friends to the end.

OK - so yes, I understand. No more for a while. If I'd have broken the arm - that would have really sucked for the whole running thing.

Thurs - are you kidding me? O - F- F.

Fri - yeah right. arm still jacked. O F F. fuck it.

Sat - ran 4 mi - felt ok considering. my legs were sore from the bruising they've endured the past 2 weeks but the arm was better.

Sun - nothing of note. 30 min of bullshit/maybe 3 mi in all.

tally: 2 + 4 + 4 + 3 = 13 mi total. weak. very weak. one more semi long run (6 mi) next weekend and then the last two weeks of serious taper. Ahhhhhh....

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