Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Week 17 - Sick...and Tired...

With the changing weather comes: changing of leaves. rain. wind. cooler temps. pumpkins and a candy explosion. breaking out the sweaters and hoodies. putting away the open-toed shoes/sandals (BUMMER). turning off the AC and cranking the heat (already? geez).

aaahhh. fall.

oh, and COLD AND FLU SEASON. Dammit.

you'd think by now with two little kids who bring home every germ on the planet (well, close), that my immunity would be TOP NOTCH.

nope. the first cold of the season is upon me. starting Monday morning with a sore throat, it morphed into a nasty head cold that lasted all freaking week. if I thought it'd be a bitch to run in the wind and rain that is now West Michigan, add to that the inability to take a deep breath.


at least this week starts the glorious taper - and one last long-ish run before THE long run.

Monday - yeah right. off

Tues - still sick. OFF beotches!

Wed - ok - better run. 3 mi. hell on earth. snot everywhere. gasping for air (where's my Oxygen mask??). feel like I'm 85, not 35.

Thurs - HAHAHA. off

Fri - whatthefuckever. off

Sat - I should run. 6 mi. ugh. nah, give the body one more day to sort itself out. OFF

Sun - 6 miler. like my dad affectionately told me: SUCK IT UP. ok, did. done. and it actually felt pretty good. was only going to eek out 4 or 5 (if I could make it). but by mile 4 I felt pretty good and busted the 2 more miles to get to the requisite 6. Last long run before the race. oh thank goodness. I'm getting tired of this shit.

a pathetic 9 mi of running - but considering I'm sick, not too bad. it's all relative.

ARE WE DONE YET? 3 more weeks to go. THE END IS NEAR.

and that's a good thing.

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