Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Week 18 - Burnout

It happens to the best of them, whoever they are. It has happened to me. THANK GOODNESS it is almost over. I am SICK AND TIRED of all this constant running. Just want to get it over with. I need a break. My body needs a break. My mind and all the mental "toughness" that goes into long distance running needs a break.


This week was more taper but with a decent weekend run - not long, but decent. I have drained the well dry in terms of motivation to run, so it's a pretty pathetic week.

at this point I DONT CARE. Neither should you. Here's how I rolled:

Wednesday: OFF - have I mentioned I am SICK of running??? yeah. sick of it. oh, and WTF is with this weather? rain. cold. more rain. wind. 40's. Oh yeah:

burnout + crappy weather = NO RUNNING. pretty simple.

Thursday: ok ok. I'll run. do I have to? yes, yes I do. FINE. 2.6 mi or so at work. climbing up Crescent all but killed me. freaking hill. alright? I ran - check that box.

Saturday: OFF - little to know interest. not even panicked about not running. so don't care.

Sunday: ok - panic setting in. I've only run once this week? OH SHIT. got my lazy ass out on the road and ran 4 mi. Ok - check the box.

adds up to not quite 7 mi and a whole bunch of apathy. AWESOME.

luckily one more week and I can take a break from this whole running thing. HELL YEAH!

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