Monday, July 20, 2009

Week 6 - The Week That Wasn't

Well this week was pretty pitiful training-wise, but I knew it would be. My mom was visiting, and so there wasn't much free time to run, what with the trip to the zoo, Chuck-E-Cheese, lunch date with my mom, sans kids, in Holland, and oh, yeah, I still had to squeeze in going to work too.

All in all - a poor showing for the week. But it probably did me and my hip some good to rest a bit. Here's what I did - and didn't do.

Monday - off

Tues - ran 2.5 mi with Gabrielse in the evening. A good run, was good to hang out (even if it was while running) and my hip didn't feel too bad during the run. Was sore as hell afterwards, especially when I tried stretching it. Not sure if that's a good sign or bad sign...

Wed - missed out on the mountainbiking crosstrain. total bummer. my hip was really sore though, and I'm not sure if biking would have helped or hurt. so ok, chalk it up to an "off" day. whatever.

Thurs - too busy with work to run during the day. and I had to run back in to lab at 9pm for my mice (don't ask) - so no time to run in the evening either. sigh.

Fri - busy running into work in the morning, taking mom to airport (bye mom! see you in Sept!), and then back to work all day, then off to Niles. Re: no time to run. again. this is bad.

Sat - had a nice ~3.5 mi run with my brother-in-law Phil in Niles. run felt pretty good, my hip didn't hurt at all during the run so I take that as a good sign (as in, when hurt - REST!).

Sun - hip sore! hip sore! WTF? stretched it, and then, hip REALLY sore!!! ok, now I'm just getting annoyed. was going to run after we got back from Niles, but on the advice of K8 (who knows about these things) I decided to R-E-S-T instead. yes K8, you are my excuse for today's "off day" status. thanks!

The pathetic tally for the week: 2.5 +3.5 mi running and no biking = a lame 6 mi. plus one sore hip.


  1. I'm asking this because I know you'll ignore it... at what point do you see a doc about your bum hip? Just a thought.

  2. I second the notion of talking to the Dr.
    They can give you the script for a few PT sessions to show you how to properly stretch it out. Either that or fork over the 100$ for a sports massage and tell them to work on the hip.

    and you're not a loser. you have 12 weeks and you will be fine.
