Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 7 - 21st Century Breakdown

Well, it was bound to happen. A breakdown, that is. No time to run, need to run, trying to stay on top of the training schedule, 9:30 at night before there is even a break in the day for me to run...yeah, it finally got to me. I admit it, I had a break from reality. If you know me, you know this initially involves a lot of mumbling under my breath, and making a lot of unnecessary noise while I do ordinary things (like fill a dishwasher for example). This of course paves the way for me to build up steam until I, yep, explode into a full on breakdown of frustration and nonsense. This one went so far as to having me declare THERES NO WAY I'M RUNNING THE HALF MARATHON - I CAN'T EVEN FREAKING FIND TIME TO TRAIN FOR IT! I GIVE UP!!!!

nice, right? I know. that happened on Thursday, after I hadn't run since MONDAY and kinda, well, freaked out that it was THURSDAY and I had only run on MONDAY. Get it people?

Strangely enough, the week ended up pretty good training-wise. go figure. and yes, I am still going to run the half marathon in Oct. I was obviously yelling out of my ass.

my bad.

here's the recap:

Monday - ran 3 mi in the evening with Gabrielse and Leanne. very nice - always good to have company, and the run felt pretty good. as did my hip. a bit sore after the run, but all in all,not bad. maybe it will resolve itself with some easy runs and stretching. here's hoping.

Tuesday - mountain biking after work with Leanne. WE ROCKED IT! Did the first two parts at the Cannonsburg Game Area - and yes folks, I DID BOTH PARTS WITHOUT HAVING TO GET OFF THE DAMN BIKE AND WALK UP OR DOWN ANYTHING. This includes the ginormous hill on part 2 that I have in the past claimed thatmere mortals cannot climb. I'd like my superhuman status badge now please! This is a big deal for me. Three years after I started mountain biking (which by the way includes a year sabbatical due to the alien I created last year) - I finally got up that effing hill. ROCK ON! And, we are getting way faster - both parts in 31 min, which includes a couple of breaks (re: the top of the ginormo hill). First goal - CRUSHED. On to the second goal - doing all 4 parts in an hour and without having to get off the bike. We are on our way.

and BTW, I'd like to give Leanne a shout-out here - she has only been riding a few months, and if it weren't for some asshole (re: guy-biker - of course) effing her up at the base of the ginormo hill, she'd have climbed it to the top also. NEXT TIME GIRL. FO' SHO'.

Wed - took the day off

Thurs - mental breakdown day. was planning to run in the evening. 9:30 rolls around and I had just finished doing "stuff" - you know, normal everyday, shit to deal with stuff. 9 - freaking- 30. I cannot go out running that late, not by myself. PISSED. WAY PISSED. That's it. I GIVE THE EFF UP. Game OFF.

Friday - ran an easy 2.5 mi jog in the evening after TGIF at work (re: 2 beers) and pizza dinner once I got home. So yeah, I was conservative and did a short easy run. considering I hadn't run since Monday, not bad. But I need (MUST) do a long one on Sat or I really do give up.

Saturday - 5.2 mi run. and at a good clip too (sub -9:30 pace). Felt good. Ok - I'm back in it. Game back on. the hip was a bit sore since I had run less than 16 hr previously (this run was in the a.m.) - but felt good during the run and felt ok afterwards too. HURRAY!

Sunday - took it O-F-F. eff it.

totals: 3 + 2.5 + 5.2 running and 4 mi biking = almost 15 mi total. Considering I almost quit the whole damn thing, not bad.

yep - I have issues.

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