Monday, June 8, 2009

The training schedule

After much internal debate, I think I've decided on my training schedule for the next 19 weeks or so. It's based on the schedule in the book "The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women: Get Off Your Butt and On with Your Training" by Dawn Dais, a very good book recommended to me by my running partner in crime, Superhuman Kate (I imagine a future posting will discuss Kate and her superhuman-ness; probably when I'm pissed off as all hell at her for making me run 10 miles or something equally ridiculous).

So here's the general schedule - I am posting it so I burn it into my brain. and so you can keep me accountable for it.

Monday - rest

Tuesday - interval run (if you wonder what this is, look forward to a future posting all about my love of fartleks - the word, and the run)

Wednesday - cross train - MOUNTAIN BIKE BABY!

Thursday - easy run

Friday - rest

Saturday - long run

Sunday - recovery run (and by "run" I mean jog, if I am able to move at all)

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