Monday, June 29, 2009

Week 3 Recap - Tackling another 10K.

This week started out hotter than hell, and ended about as well as can be expected weather-wise. I was super fearful that I'd be running the 10K Reed's Lake Run on Sat in the blistering humid crap that had been haunting me all week long. As luck would have it, the weather cooled off and the humidity evaporated (no pun) to bearable conditions for race day. Yada, yada, yada, I ran a pretty good 10K if I do say so myself - 1 min faster than Riverbank Run in May.

here's the recap:

Monday - off

Tuesday - 30 min run in the heat and humidity with Gabrielse - ugh. See previous post.

Wednesday - mountain biking at game area with Leanne in the heat and humidity - ugh. And while I remembered to BRING my bug spray, and even watched Leanne put hers on, I still forgot to APPLY my bug spray. I am stoopid. Regardless, the ride was really good - we are getting better and better! We did the first two parts in about 45 min, which is pretty good, since we still had to walk up both hills on the second part. I almost got up the long effer, but more stoopidity got in my way (I geared up instead of down and ended up punching a tree with my hand as my handlebars swerved; then I fell over - like I said, stoopid). Next time. Fo' Sho'.

Thursday - off. While I was supposed to run today, I decided to give my legs a break considering the race on Sat; in hindsight, I should have done SOMETHING. Too bad I was freaking exhausted from going to the Cubs game in Detroit. Didn't get home until 2a.m.

Friday - off

Saturday - Reed's Lake Run 10K. Time: 57:25. NICE!

Sunday - I took it off as I was still wiped out from Sat. In hindsight (I hate that) I should have done an easy recover run to loosen up the muscles and work out the lactic acid. Live and learn.

1 comment:

  1. I always forget the tally:

    9.5 mi running + 4 mi biking = 13.5 mi total.
