Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Week 3 - The HEAT! Holy CRAP the HEAT!

Ok, so I know it's only the beginning of Week 3 training, by HOLY HELL - (no pun intended) - IT IS FREAKING HOT.

took yesterday off, because, well, frankly it was sorely needed. So I needed to run today and decided to run in the morning when I first got to work with Gabrielse because it is supposed to be a hot and humid one today. So I'm thinking 8:30 should be FINE...

driving in, the car thermometer read 80. already. and did I mention it is humid? really, walk-outside-and-start-to-sweat-immediately, hair-frizzes-instantly kind of humid?

almost makes me long for the 105 degree heat of Phoenix. at least it was dry.


so Gabrielse and I ran. 3 mi and change. half the run was in the shade of trees along Lyon. and STILL - HOT AS HELL.

sweating like it was raining.

you know it is bad when someone who saw me when we got back and then saw me again after I was cleaned up, upon asking how the run went, mentioned that "yeah, you sure were sweaty!".


what worries me now?? Sat run. 10K goes off at 8:45. if today (and the rest of the week) is any indication, it's gonna be hot on Sat. And I have to run 6.2mi.

I might need an IV of Gatorade when I'm done.

1 comment:

  1. 7:30am this morning, the bank thermometer read 81 degrees and I was thinking "Oh, shit" to myself re: Saturday.

    This is why I ran inside on the treadmill today...
