Monday, June 22, 2009

Week 2 - MUCH BETTER!!

Ok, so after my "piss poor" training week last week, I ramped it up (maybe too much? see Sunday's details...) to get back on schedule. Still not feeling quite ready for the 10K on Sat, but there's nothing to do about it now.

Here's the recap:

Monday - ran 3.1 miles in 27 min and change. Yeah, hard run, to punish myself I think for my bad week before. Ran at 11am, thinking I'd get out there before it got too hot. TOO LATE. Freaking drenched by the time I got back - took almost an hour to cool down (real attractive at work). Good grief. It is a good thing I like to sweat (my favorite part of working out). Now I'm thinking I need a headband for all the sweat that runs into my eyes - I wonder if I can find a red-white-and-blue one a la Richard Simmons? I have the hair for it. Now if I can just find some dolphin shorts on ebay...

Tuesday - Ran my first fartlek (more on that some other time) - and damn did it feel KILLER. LOVE IT. Seriously, if you've never run one, DO IT. THEY ROCK!!!! Granted this was really a mini-fartlek, but I hadn't run all last week so I didn't want to kill myself. Here's what I did:

ran a mile to the 6th st bridge
ran 2x2 30 sec sprints across bridge and back
30 sec rest in between each sprint, and 1/2 mi recovery run (down to end of path and back to bridge) between each set
ran back to michigan, and sprinted up hill to church
3 min walking cooldown (about 27 min total for 2.5 mi)

Wednesday - didn't mountain bike or run due to the pouring down rain. Dragged out my stationary bike and biked for 35 min (6 mi) while I watched Rachel Maddow. Meh, better than nothing.

Thursday - was going to run, until Leanne talked me into mountain biking before the Symposium dinner. We did the first part 2x - because 1) we wanted to work on our handling skillz without constantly tapping the breaks, and, 2) neither one of us was in the mood to be beat down by the big hill and "endo alley". It was a good ride, and I got some nice air over the log jump (love that spot now!).

Friday - off

Saturday - ran at 7:30 a.m. when it was nice and cool out - 40 min, about 4.2 mi. Should have done 5, but didn't. Deal. Still sweated like crazy - mental note: need some sweatbands of some kind. or to start running with a visor to keep the sun and sweat out of my eyes.

Sunday - mountain biking at Yankee. Oy. Considering I was hungover from Founders Fest, and still pretty dehydrated, well, it SUCKED. It felt good to get out though, but holy shit, the SAND. It is exhausting to constantly fight thru it all the time. My legs were done for. And where the eff is my bug spray? Why do I always forget it?

So all in all, it was a good week training-wise. Next week will be easy so I don't burn out for the Sat 10K. Last 10K was 58 min and change. This time? Closer to 55min would be nice. And can I just ask? NO RAIN PLEASE!

1 comment:

  1. For anyone that cares: final tally = 25 mi for the week. not bad. not bad at all.
