Monday, June 15, 2009

Week 1 Training Recap

In a word? SUCKED. or BLEW. either way this week was a total waste running-wise, as that damn 10K Reeds run is looming large in two weeks.

I'd prefer not to admit how bad this last week was, but accountability and here goes. And I'm going to pre-emp any comments with BITE ME.

Monday - I took it off after a good weekend of running both Sat and Sun. I had high hopes the week would go well, so taking the day off when I'm supposed to seemed like a good idea. Then. Looking back on the week, well, now not so much.

Tues - ran 30 min downtown - 3.1 mi (I mapped it; as I do all my runs) - with the doublemint twins (Carrie squared) and Leanne.

Wed - went mountain biking for my x-training with Leanne. It ROCKED, and so did we if I must say so myself. She kicked that damn water feature in the beginning, and I jumped the log in the first part. We managed to do the first two parts in under an hour, and that's pretty good considering we still had to walk up more than half that killer hill in the second part, and stopped while I went back up to re-ride the drops into the tight turn between trees (where now we've BOTH done endos) - after I bit it hard on my right side again trying to make that turn (FYI, I can make that turn, so long as I'm crawling thru it - if I go thru with any speed I wipe out; I need to learn to LEAN). Yeah, we rock. Our goal for the summer? Get up that hill without getting off the bikes. Problem is I don't think mere mortals can do it. Should be interesting.

Thurs - I took off as I was going to run Fri, which is my regular "off" day - more on that below.

Fri - well, I was going to run. I had the best of intentions (although come sunday I realized that I couldn't have run even if I wanted to as my sneakers weren't in my bag - more on that later). But Fri was a sucky day mentally, I was irritated at people and things and it got worse as the day went on. So I went home early to get ready to go to Niles. So, yeah, I have no excuse. I just said FUCK IT. Get over it.

Sat - went to Chicago for Cubs game. Knew full well I wasn't going to run. Caught the train in South Bend at 730 am and didn't get home until midnight. This was why I was going to run Fri and hence take off Sun. I figured I'd run Fri and Sun so that would be ok. Except I didn't run Fri. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. Oh well. Good thing I'm not training for a marathon (HAHAHAHAHA).

Sun - ok, so I was thinking to myself, self (for you Megs!!!) - you haven't run since TUESDAY, you'd better run today while in Niles. I even left my workout bag in the car from Fri (remember when I was supposed to run then??) - so I'd have it to run on Sun. Except, when I opened it I found no running shoes. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. Oh well. I'll run when I get home. Except I got home after 6pm. And then had too much shit to do that didn't get done over the weekend plus two kids to deal with.

So there you have it: 3.1 miles for week 1 of official training. YEAH! I am so fucking fucked.


  1. but your mtn bike descriptions made me spit out my beer (noooooooooh) laughing.

  2. it was just a 1-week lapse I promise!!! Kicking it into high gear from now until Oct. Honest.

  3. This is a little belated, but you know you're your own worst critic, right? I mean, yeah, you probably should have run, but you didn't. The only thing you can do is be better this week - worrying about it doesn't change a damn thing.
